Is it time to replace your Toilet? Or maybe a repair’s sufficient? While toilets are repairable, sometimes they are so far gone or so problematic it makes economic sense to replace them. Here are five symptoms of Toilets that need replacing.
Double Flushing and Continuous Blocking
Does your Toilet need double flushing? Or blocks so often that the plunger now lives beside the Toilet? Blockages happen now and then but you shouldn’t be experiencing them regularly. Double flushing wastes water and money on your water bill (if you’re on a meter). Modern low flush Toilets save water, don’t block and only need to be flushed the once. Having to double flush is a sure sign your toilet needs replacing.
Hard To Clean
After years of service and cleaning with powerful bathroom cleaners Porcelain Toilets wear away, the coating thins out the Toilet looks old and’s harder to clean. The job takes longer wasting your time. A new Toilet will look nicer and quick and easy to clean freeing up time for much pleasanter activities.
Hairline Cracks
Hairline Cracks usually go unnoticed, but a close inspection will reveal them if you have any. These small cracks might not look serious, but they can continuously leak small amounts of water. Small puddles of water around the Toilet base could be down to a hairline crack and eventually will damage your bathroom floor. These cracks can get a lot worse very quickly so always replace cracked Toilets.
Does your Toilet move when you sit on it? If so the screws could be loose which isn’t an issue, try tightening them. Sometimes though unstable Toilets are down to water damage in the floor probably caused by a leak (such as a hairline crack described above) or poor sealing. In this case, your whole bathroom will need checking for any leaks, if it’s your Toilet that’s leaking it’ll probably need replacing.
Save Water
Older style toilets use on average 14 litres of water per flush modern low flush toilets use around 4 litres per flush (some use even less) that’s a massive difference. Upgrading to a low flush Toilet will save lots of water, lowering your water bills and doing your bit for the environment and all important water conservation.
Our Plumbers can quickly unblock, repair or replace any Toilet you are experiencing problems with, let us know if we can be of assistance.