Here in the UK, we have some the best drinking water in the world here some frequently asked questions about tap water.
Is it safe to drink tap water in the UK?
A common question asked by tourists, Yes tap water is safe to drink everywhere in the UK.
Is it safe to drink water from the hot tap?
No, water from the hot tap is for washing. Hot water dissolves contaminants very quickly (unlike cold water that dissolves contaminants slowly) therefore heavy metals can get into the hot water which is bad for the human body. If you want hot drinking water boil cold water with a kettle or saucepan.
Is UK water hard or soft?
UK water is both hard & soft, Scotland and the north mainly has soft water, the west is moderate to hard, the east is hard to very hard.
How fresh is tap water?
Tap water takes a few hours to a few days to reach your tap from the treatment plant. Tap water’s always fresh enough to drink.
Does UK tap water contain chlorine?
Yes but only a very small amount around 0.5 ml a litre which is low compared to other countries. Chlorine is a highly effective disinfectant that kills bacteria, that’s why it’s used in our water supply and is nothing to worry about.
Is UK tap water healthy?
Hard water is healthy with naturally occurring calcium and magnesium, which is good for teeth bones and the cardiovascular system. Soft water has much lower amounts of calcium and magnesium.
Should I filter tap water?
UK tap water is very clean and doesn’t need filtering. Some people choose to filter the water for an improved taste.
Is tap water cleaner than bottled water?
It depends where you get the bottled water from, unless you test both your bottled water and tap water side by side there’s no real way of knowing which is the cleanest.
Is it safe to drink hotel tap water?
With hotels, you’re never sure if the water’s coming from the mains or fed from a water tank. Drinking cold water fed from a tank is risky; you don’t know how long the water’s been sitting in the tank. Always play it safe, never drink out of the taps in your hotel bathroom.
Do UK restaurant supply free tap water?
yes by law anywhere that serves alcohol is obliged to provide free tap water when asked
How much does tap water cost?
Tap water costs around a penny for 6 litres.