After a good clean bathroom suites generally scrub up pretty well and look that bit newer. Old wall tiles always seem to have that old tired look even after a good clean. Ideally, a replacement is in order, but stripping and replacing old tiles is messy, time-consuming and expensive.
What if you haven’t got the time or money to replace your old tiles?
Here are three cheap and straightforward methods you can use to bring your old tiles back to life.
1, Clean Your Grout
Old, discoloured grout will always make tiles look older it’s very difficult to clean properly with household bathroom cleaners. Vinegar and baking soda is far more effective.
- Mix up a 50/50 solution of white vinegar/water
- Spray or wipe grout with the vinegar/water solution
- Leave for a few minutes
- Scrub the grout vigorously with an old toothbrush
- Rinse the grout with warm water
- Scrub neat baking soda into the grout with an old toothbrush
- Rinse again with warm water
2, Replace Your Grout
If the above cleaning method doesn’t work, you can replace the grout
- First of all make, sure you buy the right grout for your type of tile
- Makes Sure the existing grouts cleaned using the vinegar/baking soda method above
- Remove the grout with a grout remover, grout saw or a rotary tool such as a Dremmel
- Use a grout float to fill the joints between the tiles
- Leave for around 20 minutes
- Remove excess grout with a sponge, rinse and squeeze regulary with clean water
- Allow to time dry according to grout makers instructions
- Once dry remove white film on tiles with a towel
3, Paint Your Tiles
Painting old tiles will give your bahroom a new look.
- Tile paint can be painted straight onto tiles without undercoating. Buy a Tile paint that will compliment your current bathroom suite
- Clean the tiles using the vinegar/baking soda method
- Apply the first coat with a paint brush
- Leave to dry overnight
- Apply a second coat with a paint brush
- Leave to dry overnight
- Apply the final coat with a foam roller (this will make brush strokes dissapear)
Dont use this method on ceramic floor tiles. The paint won’t last long being walked over
Any one of these methods will make your bathroom look much fresher and more modern. Your new look bathroom will serve you well until its time to treat yourself to a new bathroom.